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Today, there is no age factor that determines heart ailments. People in their 20s are falling prey to heart attacks.
Is it because like Atlas, the world is on our shoulders? Is it because we skip our meals and substitute it with convenience food with zero nutrition?
The reasons are many, especially related to an unhealthy lifestyle.
The good news is that one can do a lot about it. Committing to a healthier lifestyle is critical and easier to follow than most imagine.
What if a few simple stretches and breathing exercises could make you feel good (especially your heart)!
Yoga for healthy heart asanas are a preventive measure and are beneficial as a curative one too.
And with no side-effects, except a feeling of greater peace and health.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says:
Yoga is a study of life, the study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego;
study of your inner faculties.
How yoga asanas help in keeping our Heart healthy?
Besides wisdom and philosophy, yoga is a relaxing combination of asanas, breathing techniques, and meditation.
Every yoga pose has a particular effect on the respiratory system and therefore, affects the heart.
The benefits include:
Lower blood pressure.
lung capacity.
heart rate
bad cholesterol levels.
Boost blood circulation.
Yoga is effective in dealing with stress and pressure. That, itself, can heal a heart patient